Maniera by dale

Joyeuse Pâques à tous (Happy Easter everyone) 🙏. I’m excited that today is a public holiday and I’m at home all day without that early morning struggle of getting what to wear or trying to blend my makeup and still leave the house on time. Shout out to one amazing girl I’ve known since I was 11, Eyimife Egwudale my Aproco partner. She’s a hot fashion blogger and a Mechanical engineering graduate from Nottingham University. Today is her birthday and I’m going to feature her blog on today’s post. 

Manierabydale was officially established in 2014 by Mife and Etty. They are sisters who have always had the passion for fashion. Their sophisticated style and their ability to share it with their followers makes people go through their amazing fashion life. They are chilled out and relaxed about their styles without trying so hard. Every fashion blogger has some level of dedication to it but these sisters are going stronger everyday and have a vast level of dedication. 

It hasn’t been all rosy for them because they were combining blogging with school work and other activities. Also coming back to Nigeria where the stress level is high, it’s quite dicouraging but they don’t fail to give us new fashion tips and make new YouTube videos. 

“Manierabydale means style by dale which is derived from our names and the Italian word ‘maniera’. We love colours and are obsessed with monochrome outfits. We try to co-ordinated our outfits and input our different styles into how we dress. Mife is more chick and Etty is more dapper-ish. These days we are obsessed with fur and bright colours. The main element of our style is the ability of us to evolve and incorporate other style elements. Hope you like it!”- Fashionbomb daily

If I’m not sure about anything, I know they love bright colours. Why don’t you get inspired by what next to shop for or the makeup to wear. Connect with these fashion bloggers on the following social media platform

Instagram -manierabydale



YouTube channel- Maniera by dale

Facebook page- Manierabydale

Published by Aniekan

I'm Aniekan Johnson, a graduate of Covenant University, Economics Portharcourt born/bred and proudly Akwa-Ibom. I'm an avid reader of fiction, I love writing as well, cooking, baking, sewing, drawing, classical music, painting, in summary I love everything art. I have a wonderful family with a lot of special friends. With time I think you'll be the one writing about me.

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